Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hajj 2008

Alhamdo lillah I performed Hajj this year.
Jamarat Bridge Picture(People throwing stones on Shaitaan)

Tawaaf-e-Ziyara Picture of Kaba

Sunday, August 17, 2008

How to get invisible column values in gridview

The requiremnet is to get the values of the hidden fields values in the gridview

Define the Datakey array in the gridview as follows:


Now how to access the DataKey Array for the selected row in code beind. The blow mentioned code populate the label controls.

DataKey dRow = grdReportingEmployee.DataKeys[grdReportingEmployee.SelectedRow.DataItemIndex];

lblEmployeeNumber.Text = dRow[0].ToString();
lblEmployeeName.Text = dRow[1].ToString();
lblGrade.Text = dRow[2].ToString();
lblHireDate.Text = dRow[3].ToString();
lblJobTitle.Text = dRow[4].ToString();
lblDepartment.Text = dRow[5].ToString();

Monday, July 28, 2008

Welcome Note

This blog will be the source of tips and tricks for ASP.Net learners and other events relating to IT.