Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ways to Transfer Data Between Pages

Each button in the demo has the required code in it's Click event handler, and brings you to a separate target page that gets and displays the data that was sent. Here are the methods:

1. Use the querystring:

protected void QueryStringButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.Redirect("QueryStringPage.aspx?Data=" + Server.UrlEncode(DataToSendTextBox.Text));


protected void HttpPostButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// The PostBackUrl property of the Button takes care of where to send it!

3. Use Session State:

protected void SessionStateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["Data"] = DataToSendTextBox.Text;

4. Use public properties:

public string DataToSend
return DataToSendTextBox.Text;

protected void PublicPropertiesButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

5. Use PreviousPage Control Info:

protected void ControlInfoButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

// target page:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var textbox = PreviousPage.FindControl("DataToSendTextbox") as TextBox;
if (textbox != null)
DataReceivedLabel.Text = textbox.Text;

6. Use HttpContext Items Collection:

protected void HttpContextButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpContext.Current.Items["data"] = DataToSendTextBox.Text;

// target page:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.DataReceivedLabel.Text =(String) HttpContext.Current.Items["data"];

7. Use Cookies:

protected void CookiesButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpCookie cook = new HttpCookie("data");
cook.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
cook.Value = DataToSendTextBox.Text;

// target page:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataReceivedLabel.Text = Request.Cookies["data"].Value;

8. Use Cache:

protected void CacheButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Cache["data"] = DataToSendTextBox.Text;
// target page:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.DataReceivedLabel.Text = (string) Cache["data"];

Actually, there are a number of other methods. You can use a database, a Data Store such as Redis or BPlusTree, file storage, or even the Appdomain Cache. But as these are not as common, we'll leave those as an exercise for the reader. I should mention that the use of Cache and Application (not shown) are not user - specific, but they can easily be made so by prepending the key used with something unique to the user such as their SessionId.

Courtesy:Peter Bromberg

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

History of Management

People think that Project Management is a recent terminology but they are mistaken.

It may not be present with the current glittering terms used today but we can date back to people management during Egyptian Pharos.

Things to ponder at that time they have to manage people,raw material,logistics etc

For a single pyramid it approximately requires 100,000 workers for 20 years, so there is some sort of basic management.

Thus the term Management took many shapes over the years and now it is in this current shape.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tip of the day

When delegating tasks to team members, be explicit on what you are “asking” them to do. Do you want them to review the documents and provide feedback, or do you want them to edit and finalise the documents? Instead of simply forwarding the email with an FYI, tell them what to do with it -”no action is needed” or “add a calendar reminder.” A clear “ask” can expedite the completion of tasks.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What is Business Case a good illustartion

PRINCE2 Business Case.

The Business Case is used to determine whether the project remains
viable desirable and achieveable so that informed investment decisions
can be made. Remember, the whole point of investing the time and money
in the project - along with the attendant risks, is that the
benefits are worthwhile.

The cost verses benefits verses risk balance will determine if the
Business Case is desirable.

The fact that the project CAN deliver the products would mean that the
Business Case is viable.

The fact that the project's products have the capability to realize
the benefits means the Business Case is achieveable.

It's worth reminding ourselves Faisal that the project's
OUTPUT is the end product, and this in turn will produce an OUTCOME
(the result of the CHANGE), and lead - usually over time,
to BENEFITS being realized, which is the measurable improvement
resulting from the OUTCOME.

An outline Business Case is created during the Starting Up a Project
process, and is contained within the Project Brief. This will be used
as part of the 'evidence' to put before the Project Board at the
activity 'Authorizing Initiation'.

The Outline Business Case is refined during the Initiating a Project
process as a result of extracting timescale, cost and risk information
from the Project Plan. At this point, the benefits contained within the
Detailed Business Case are used to create the Benefits Review Plan.

The Executive of the Project Board is responsible for ensuring that at
all times, the Business Case represents 'value for money'

The Project Manager will normally prepare the Business Case on behalf
of the Executive, assess and update it at the end of each stage,
and use it to report on the project performance at project closure.

The Senior User is responsible for identifying the benefits and will be
held to account by Corporate or Programme Management after the
project has finished.

The Business Case contains:

- The reasons why the project is needed, and how it will enable the
achievement of corporate strategies and objectives

- Analysis and reasoned recommendation for the business options covering:
Do Nothing
Do the minimum
Do something

- A list of each benefit including its quantifiable current status.
Benefits can be financial and non-financial,

- Dis-benefits. Outcomes perceived as negative by one or more stakeholders.
A dis-benefit is an anticipated consequence as a result of the
project outcome, and should not be confused with a risk.

- The project timescale and the benefit realization period.

- Summarized Project Plan costs including any cost-based assumptions.
The costs should include ongoing operations and maintenance costs
and their funding arrangements

- Investment Appraisal. Compares the aggregated benefits and
dis-benefits to the project costs (extracted from the Project Plan),
and ongoing incremental operations and maintenance costs.

- Risks. These are a summary of the aggregated risks that may either
reduce or enhance the benefits

The Business Case is a key decsion-making management product, and is
used at key points during a project. In particular:

- The Project Mandate should contain the reasons why the project is needed.
These are refined in the Starting Up a Project process and used to
form the Outline Business Case

- When authorizing the initiation stage

- when authorizing a project (signing off the PID)

- At each end stage assessment, having been updated at the end of the
current stage

- At each Exception Assessment - based on a requested Exception Plan
and subsequently updated for presentation to the Project Board

- It is checked as part of impact analysis when assessing an issue
or a risk during a stage

- It is used as part of the Closing a Project process to determine the
likelihood of expected benefits being realized

- It is used as an input when creating and updating the Benefits Review Plan.

The Benefits Review Plan is used to define how and when a measurement
of the achievement of the project's benefits expected by the Senior User,
can be made

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Screen Scraping

Screen Scrapping is how we can use server side code issuing an HTTP request to some other Web site, retrieving the returned results, and processing these results in some manner.
Use System.IO and System.Net to accomplish this task.

string url = string.Empty;
WebProxy prxy = new WebProxy("");
url = "";

HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(url);

req.Method = "GET";
req.Proxy = prxy;

HttpWebResponse res = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
catch (System.Net.WebException ex)
TextBox1.Text = ex.Status.ToString();

Thursday, July 14, 2011

PMP Exam Format is Changing

Changes to PMP Exam

Last day to take exam is 30-August-2011

Eligibility Criteria

the eligibility criteria will remain the same. Only the multiple-choice examination content of the PMP is changing.


The update of the examination for the new RDS does not affect the PMBOK® Guide, so candidates should continue to study the Fourth Edition, as well as other current project management titles.

Score Report

At this time, PMI does not anticipate any changes will be made to the PMP score report.

Major Differences New and Old Exam

the Professional and Social Responsibility content area (Domain 6) will now be tested in every domain rather than as a separate domain on the examination. As such, PMI’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is now integrated into the day-to-day role of a project manager, emphasizing its importance in each phase of the project lifecycle.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Matrix Organizational Management

I am opening this topic with the question

What is Matrix Organization Management?

The understanding I get from different aspects.

In Matrix Structure Management there is a pool from where resources are assigned to the Project Manager for a particular project. The Line Managers of the resources remains the same. The resources has atleast two reporting line.

1)Line Manager
2)Project Manager

This approach has its Advantages and Dis-Advantages. We will discuss them later.Lets focus on defining Matrix Organization Management.

Comments Welcome.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Autoractic Management also driven by Racialism.

  • This is a delima faced by some talented individuals expatriate working in different parts of the world. Some places has unwritten law that expatriate cannot take the leading role no matter how much qualified he/she is.
  • The people sitting above him/her are either incompetent or inexperienced which adds to his/her frustation while listening to some of the elementary ideas and inexperienced mistakes.
  • I want people views about it and their experiences and what are the steps/suggestions to take for career growth.

Note: I am discussing general behaviour so I didnt mean to hurt anyone. For me every Individual is free human being and he/she must be treated as human irrescpective of his color, ethnicity etc.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Project Management Methodology Acceptance Study 2011

International Project Management Research of EBS University, Germany: Call for Participation

Participate in the above survey.

Friday, July 1, 2011

What Prince2 doesnot Provide.What are your views about them?

Should Prince2 Include any one of them

1) Specialist Aspect
     Prince2 is generic approach and it doesnot focus on specific industry, Project Life CYcle etc approach can be managed alongside Prince2.

2)Detailed Technique
     There are many proven Planning and Control Techniques and the can be used with Prince2

3)Leadreship Capability
      Prince2 doesnot teach Leadership, Motivational skills etc

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Issue and Change Control Procedure

The Change contorl procedures are not implemented to stop changes. They are put in place to so that the change is agreed with the approval authority.