Saturday, June 2, 2012

Difference Between Web Pages, Web Forms, MVC

All three are ASP.NET technologies for creating dynamic web applications:

1) ASP.Net Pages

ASP.NET Web Pages focuses on adding dynamic (server-side) code and database access to HTML pages, and features simple and lightweight syntax.

2) ASP.Net Web Forms

ASP.NET Web Forms is based on a page object model and traditional window-type controls (buttons, lists, etc.). Web Forms uses an event-based model that's familiar to those who've worked with client-based (Windows forms) development.

3) ASP.Net MVC

ASP.NET MVC implements the model-view-controller pattern for ASP.NET. The emphasis is on "separation of concerns" (processing, data, and UI layers).


All three frameworks are fully supported and continue to be developed by the ASP.NET team. In general, the choice of which framework to use depends on your background and experience with ASP.NET.

ASP.NET Web Pages in particular was designed to make it easy for people who already know HTML to add server processing to their pages. It's a good choice for students, hobbyists, people in general who are new to programming. It can also be a good choice for developers who have experience with non-ASP.NET web technologies.

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