Sunday, June 24, 2012

Introduction to ASP.Net MVC architectural pattern

The MVC architectural pattern allow to design application using three components as following

1) Model
2) View
3) Controller

The MVC framework is defined in System.Web.Mvc namespace.The MVC provide full control over javascript, css, html.

1) Models
Model components are part of application that deals with data source.Models are used to retrieve and store objects into the data source. For example a car information is retrieved and then work is performed on the data and then the update data is saved into the data source.

2) Views
Views are components that makes up the UI segment.The views are created from the Model data. For example View is the interface of the vehicle's information edit view.

3) Controllers
Controllers are the components that handles the user interaction. Controller read data from the view, control user input and send the data to model.

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